Friday, May 22

Are FF way down in the hole?

By Brigid O Gorman

While watching Fianna Fail’s Party Political broadcast on YouTube today (I know, how nerdy!) I was extremely amused to find the below video listed as one of the ‘Related Videos’ which you could watch on YouTube.

Sitting right beside a recording of Bertie
Ahern’s resignation speech and clips of Pascal Donohoe on the campaign trail in the North West, was a tribute video to American TV show The Wire set to the song Way Down in the Hole by the Blind Bays of Alabama. Perhaps the connection between the two videos is the song title more or less describes Fianna Fail's performance in some recent national opinion polls.

For those of you who don’t know, The Wire chronicles the lives of the people living on the mean streets of
Baltinglass-oops, sorry, I mean Baltimore. Although, given the feelings of a lot of people towards the current government, some Fianna Fail candidates may find that the streets of Baltimore could be a lot less mean that the streets of some Irish villages.

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