Saturday, May 9

Its not about the issues, it's all in the face

By Paul Kennedy

So, the news these days ring a similar tune,
Politicians born with a silver spoon.
Cousins, relations, friends in need,
All Irish Politics follows a similar creed.

But what do I hear from across the airwaves,
A new day may dawn for whose mere uncles were knaves?
Champions found for us plebs and the peasants,
For us, fine celebrities prove anti-depressant.

And so here I place young George Lee,
A likely face we ever did see,
Economist, well skilled, known to you and me,
Rhymes for this stanza a little easy you'd agree.

But not the first face clapped eyes upon that have asked for our votes,
Mairead McGuinness soon stopped reporting on goats.
Late Late Researcher with an Ear to the Ground,
but I imagine her face helped find some votes, nay, found.

And of course down South, of county oft hard to bear,
If without Sir Sean Kelly - Munster beaten elsewhere?
How could the Common not vote for this man?
Who opened the gates of the finest stadium that stands?

A common tread seen sewn through this garment
of Fine Gael, finely stitched, plans far from dormant
A tactic, a coup, a strange coincidence?
A well known face gets a vote, so whats the difference?

Politically talented, whose to say?
Who really cares come election day?
Issues and politics fall down the ladder with welly,
Under who did the what with the thing on the telly