Monday, May 25

Think global not local

By Catherine Moore

Ending world hunger? Solving global warming? Having world peace? Sound a bit far fetched?

Well electing the best candidate for the upcoming European Union elections has a much bigger impact then what may first appear.

So far through interviewing my peers for other articles about the European elections, I have found that the majority of them have no interest in the elections. They know neither the candidates nor the issues involved. Others won’t even bother voting. Yet, these same people raise concerns about the environment, about wars and conflicts and about famine and global hunger.

Recently, I went to Africa Day, which was on in Limerick city this year. Ever the eager journo, I spotted a potential story at
Trocaire’s stand at the African cultural event.

Trocaire are trying to get the future MEPs that will be elected on June 5th to start thinking globally. They are trying to get MEPs to tackle issues like fair trade, aid, peace, and climate control. All too often with the elections, when we think of who to vote for, we ask ourselves which candidate can do the most for us. But maybe it is time to ask a little less of what the candidates can do for us and maybe think a bit more of what the candidates can do for others.

In these dark economic times, people are thinking less about foreign aid and more about how to pay the
ESB bill, and understandably so. However, that does not mean to say that it should be forgotten about. There are those out there that are far less fortunate and while we might be tightening our belts and shopping less in Superquinn and more in Lidl, there are those that do not have any food.

This may sound a bit too 'lets all hold hands and be hippies', but there is a bigger picture here. We need to make sure that the candidates we elect can stand up on their European platform and fight for justice. Fight for justice for those that may not be able to fight for themselves. Will the candidates commit to doing their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Will the candidate ensure the rights of developing countries are respected when it comes to trade? Will the candidate push for agricultural policies to aid small farmers in developing countries?

The EU is big, politically and economically. It can make a difference. Lets help make that difference by choosing the right candidate for the job. Get informed. Get voting.

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