Monday, May 18

This Charming Man...

By Brigid O Gorman

Fine Gael’s golden boy in Ireland East, John Paul Phelan, is set to become a reality TV star this week. A German TV crew joined Mr. Phelan today (Monday) and will remain with him for the next five days.

“The crew will be on the campaign bus, canvass with us, visit marts, country markets, meetings and sit in on team meetings with us. They will see just how much work goes into a campaign and what goes on behind the scenes,” said Mr. Phelan. The footage will form the basis of a half-hour programme which will be shown on German TV before the elections on June 5.

The programme will also follow a community volunteer in Poland and an 18 year old first time voter in Germany. The photogenic 30 year old is the only politician in Europe the programme is following. “We want to see voters, politicians and volunteers with different points of view. Following John…seems to be a good way to learn more about people in the heart of Ireland and the atmosphere before the election,” explained the programme’s producer Robert Scharold.

The selection of the young senator as a subject for a TV programme is hardly surprising; the baby faced politician certainly has a face for TV. He has proved so popular in fact that there have been reports in recent weeks that the John Paul Phelan buses have been vandalized by over enthusiastic female fans writing their numbers on them in red lipstick; something which must annoy Fine Gael as red is the colour of choice for their main rival for the third seat in Ireland East, Labour.

So while this campaign may provide the senator with a whole new legion of female fans, and a potential TV career in Germany, whether it provides Fine Gael with a second seat in Ireland East this time around remains to be seen.